Girls HerRising was founded in July 2022 in Yaounde, Cameroon, as a response to the growing discrimination, insecurity and inequality faced by young women and girls from the English-speaking regions of the country, internally displaced by the Anglophone Crisis - an ongoing armed conflict between separatist groups from the minority Anglophone regions and the majority-led Francophone government forces that has spiraled into unmitigated violence, and disrupted the education and livelihoods of over 500,000 women and girls. This crisis only came in to accentuate the already existing bias faced by this underprivileged group in the country, depicted in various forms including but not limited to restricted access to education, period poverty and stigma, child marriage, female genital mutilation, breast ironing, poor access to healthcare.

Girls HerRising was created in a bid to curb this discrimination and secure opportunities to help women and girls rise above these stereotypes and break records, through actions for social change, which are instrumental in influencing traditional behaviors surrounding women and girls’ rights in Africa in favor of gender equality. Girls HerRising is strongly committed to providing opportunities, breaking taboos and amplifying women and girls’ voices to tell their own story and shape the narrative of women’s empowerment in Africa.